Welcome to our PTA’s new website!

Welcome to our PTA’s new website.

We are excited to work with all of you in providing a better learning environment for our children and ensure that as parents we are assisting the teachers and staff at Indian Queen Elementary as best as we can.

Being fairly new to the concept of a Parent Teacher Association our selves, we believe that starting from the basics will help us and other parents like us who want to get involved and assist in their kids’ education, find a means to so by helping to identify the areas in which our help is needed the most and working towards finding the best ways to offer our assistance.

So what is a PTA and how does the concept work?

As mentioned we are new to the concept of a PTA ourselves, but thankfully there are resources available (and possibly parents and grandparents in our school’s community that have been part of a PTA over the years) to help us get acquainted with the concept.

As a brief history on the subject, groups such as ours that use the PTA acronym are part of the National Parent Teacher Association (National PTA), a 120-year-old non-profit organization based in Alexandria, Virginia. It is the largest and oldest volunteer organization working exclusively on behalf of children and providing a voice for our children.

For some further information on Why School’s need a PTA and “Why Parent’s need a PTA” please feel free to follow the links provided and learn how we can all work together to help our kids.


IQES – PTA Board 2017




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